This year’s exhibit is our 12th and in many ways our best. We received 391 images from 16 states plus the District of Columbia. I guess it is fair to say ours is now a national exhibit. We may have been known to some camera clubs in nearby Northern Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia but not to states all across America.
So how did that happen? The only answer I can give is that I have been good friends for many years with a great professional photographer, Mollie Isaacs, who owns and runs the excellent Awake The Light Photo Workshops & Tours. She leads outstanding photo tours to exciting photographic locals. Mollie’s events focus on the artistry of photography and she creates many abstracts. This year she offered to inform her contacts about our abstract exhibit.
Many of her clients entered, and their work was juried in, which was no surprise to me since they had been trained by Mollie. If ever you have a chance to attend a Mollie Isaac event, please do so. I promise you will never regret it.
I have asked Mollie to find some time in her busy schedule to conduct an all day Saturday or Sunday workshop on abstracts at my Center for the Photographic Arts. I sure hope she can find the time in her busy schedule, it is an opportunity you simply shouldn’t miss.
Now that the images I juried into the exhibit are posted here, you can decide if The 12th Annual Abstract Exhibit is as good as I believe it is.
Now the question is: Should there be a 13th exhibit? I hope you agree with me that we should have it. For my part, on May 10 my twin sister and I will turn 90. I am ready for annual abstract exhibit 13, are you?
Lastly, I am frequently asked what are my criteria when I judge abstracts. The answer is simple: Do I Like The Image? I am not bound by the rule of thirds, a horizon in the middle, sharpness, exposure, etc. Just do I like it? It is time consuming to judge this way but great fun.
Joseph Miller
2022 People’s Choice Award

Congratulations to Claire Witko whose image Pink Zebra Glass is the overwhelming People’s Choice Award winner.
Special Merit Awards
Joe named 20 images to receive a Special Merit Award this year.
- Amie Tannenbaum – Trapped
- Brenda Gollaher – Bottlecaps
- Christine McClintock – Woven
- Daniel Feighery – Exponential
- David Terao – Twisted Harmony
- Ellis Rosenberg – Tower of Light
- Joseph Bucherer – Mum
- Joyce Harman – Western Colors
- Karen ODonnell – Checkered Past
- Kieu-Hanh Vu – Shark Teeth
- Anne Emerson – Red Hairs
- Lori Saunders – Sea Serpent
- Matthew G. Schmidt – Both Ends Against the Middle
- Mike Whalen – Blue and Yellow
- Patricia Hansen – Silhouettes
- Raymond Cullar – Purple Canopy
- Sarah Skerker – Orb Machine
- Edward Marion – American Proud
- Sandy Gherardi – Hot Jazz Saturday Night
- William Shaw – The Final Frontier

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